How long you spend in the app, how often you launch it, what type of
device you use, & what version of the app it is
We collect the duration of time you spend in the app to
help us understand focus our time on the right
areas. If you spend a few minutes, often, we'll
focus on making sure you get right into the app.
If, on the other hand, you spend a long time in
the app, we'll focus on making sure your experiences
in the app are even better.
The app version is important to allow us to know
what version an error or crash occurs on, as well
understand how often people are updating the app.
The type of device lets us focus our energy on the
types of devices people are actually using the app on.
If everyone is on a PC in tablet mode -- we should make
sure thats the best experience!
How many articles you have in your collection |
Knowing how many articles you have lets us make sure we're
developing the right UI to show all those items in the best
was possible. This means ensuring it's fast (more items,
means a different approach to making it fast) & readable
(fewer items? Different layout).
How many folders you have in your collection |
We don't think people have that many folders, but more
than a couple. So, we've got them hidden away in the
left hand menu. If we see people have fewer, we might
choose to change how we present that information.
How many articles are added or removed, and how long it takes
when you sync
We want to make sure that how often you sync, how much we sync
is determined by this. If it's lots, and slow, maybe we need
background sync. If it's not, maybe we should sync more often.
How long you spend reading an article |
This goes hand in hand with how long you spend in the app. If
you're spending most of your time reading, that means
we need to focus on that part of the app, verus managing your
saved articles.
How much progress (as a percentage) you make reading an article |
We want to know how much people read of the document during each
session of reading. Want to know if people are actually reading all
of their article in one session, or coming back to articles over time.
When you open to the display preferences & what display
preferences you select
We've picked some great defaults, but if people are switching
them all the time or gravitating towards specific settings, we
can learn & change the defaults.
Knowing what customers are setting & how often they change
them helps us make those decisions.
The specific things we track are:
- Theme you pick
- Line Height change (not the height itself)
- Font size change (not the size itself)
- Margin Width (not the width itself)
When you go to full screen, and why (user interaction, clicking in a
youtube video's full screen button)
Are people making use of full screen mode? Are they using it to read,
or watch a video?
What you do with your article plus which part of the app |
We look at:
- Delete
- Move
- Like
- Open in browser
We'd like to know what people are doing most often, and if they're
doing it in article list, or directly from the article itself (E.g.
while reading).
This will let us make sure we have the most needed options, in the right places.
If you shared to the app successfully or error, and how long it took
for Instapaper to save that article
We want to track our success rates, and make sure you're having a
good experiance when sharing articles from Edge or other Windows
apps. Part of that is checking how long it takes.
What windows platform (PC, Phone, etc) the app runs on, if you read
an article in tablet mode.
Making sure we focus on building the right experiences for the
right platforms.
How long it takes to download the article body (but not the images) |
Help diagnose any issues with instapaper's syncing API -- e.g. is
it us, or them?
Which commands you use in which part of the app, and if you use a
keyboard when you use them
Understand which areas of functionality are being used, and how much
keyboard shortcut usage they have. This will help us remove unused
parts of the app, and understand how much effort should be spent on
keyboard shortcuts.