
Using embedded and IoT devices with a VPN

I needed to connect smart devices to a VPN. Here's what I found
26th July 2020, seven minutes to read

Modern embedded devices such as connected media players (Apple TV, Roku, Smart TVs), or IoT (internet of things) devices are constrained in what you, the end user, can change in configuration, and the software you can run. This is for good reasons — providing a secure environment for media devices, or enabling ‘zero maintenance’ of IoT devices.

With the extended work from home situation created by the pandemic, software engineers whose jobs require working with these devices need to be able to connect their devices to under development services that are inside a protected network (aka behind a corporate VPN connection). For normal client-platform development (mobile, desktop, web) this isn’t a problem — just fire up VPN on the device, and you’re off to the races.

However, with these embedded devices you can’t install a VPN on your Roku, Apple TV, or air conditioner. In some instances, you can’t even configure an HTTP proxy to capture traffic over your development machines established VPN. One option is to use MITM proxy in ‘transparent proxy’ mode (long configuration here) — configure the IP manually on your device, specifying the gateway as the proxy. This is powerful, and also helps facilitate cases where you want to intercept the HTTP traffic (and SSL if you can install certificates on the device). However, there are some corner cases:

As I was trying to solve this problem I realized that at its core, this was just a routing (as hinted at by the MITM transparent proxy instructions). I also had a Raspberry Pi sitting around doing not-a-lot. Since linux can often be used as a router & NAT, I wondered if it was possible to configure my Pi as a gateway for my media devices. After much learning, I realized the answer was “yes”.

Background Reading

I’m never one to just blindly follow instructions, I spent a reasonable amount of time doing some background reading. If you hit problems, maybe some of this reading might help. Or maybe you have a unique situation, these might help you cobble together a solution.

The Details

There are some assumptions here. You are:

  1. Using Linux
  2. Don’t want IPv6 at all
  3. Don’t want your router to egress via the VPN
  4. Using OpenVPN is your VPN client
  5. Already setup & tested the connection to your private VPN
  6. Familiarity with command line, SSH etc

Configure the router device

  1. Disable IPv6 completely: in /etc/sysctl.conf set net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
  2. Install UFW & configure it work only on the VPN interface
    1. ufw allow in eth0 (Allow all inbound connections on the eth0 interface)
    2. ufw allow out eth0 (Allow all outbound connections on the eth0 interface)
    3. ufw deny in tun0 (Deny any inbound connections on the tun0 interface)
    4. ufw allow out tun0 (Allow any output connection on the tun0 interface)
  3. Create a new routing table in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. I chose 200 openvpn for the priority & name.

Finagle the VPN profile

This is dependent on your VPN profile configuration, so this covers the changes you need to make relative to whatever configuration your VPN profile already has:

  1. Add pull-filter ignore redirect-gateway : This prevents traffic on the device acting as the router from egressing via the VPN. If you don’t mind or need that, you can skip this.
  2. Add script-security-level 2: This allows scripts to be executed when the connection is established or torn down. This is probably the most critical part of VPN setup.
  3. Add route-up /path/to/script/to/run/up.sh: Runs once the connection has been established, routing tables have completed, and after any route delay. This means the connection is ready to roll, and any configuration for the system has been applied.
  4. Add route-pre-down /path/to/script/to/run/down.sh: Runs before any configuration changes are made as part of tearing down the VPN connection. This allows you to read configuration, and remove any added in up.sh before the connection is actually torn down.

Create the up.sh & down.sh files

This is where the magic ✨ happens — reconfiguration of IP tables, routing, NAT etc inline with the VPN status to make sure that any connected devices are no longer able to egress to the network.

The files below are tweaked versions of the ones I’ve been using for a few months now. Edit for your configuration as needed — IPs, file paths etc.


Update 2022-02-14: Removed use of $ifconfig_remote, and replaced with routing directly to the device. This is ‘cause not all providers supply that parameter making it difficult to follow that pattern. New solution works just as well!

Place this at the location you chose for your route-up command earlier

#! /bin/bash
# Log Useful information
echo --- Setting up routes >> ~/vpn_log.txt
echo "IP $ifconfig_local, " >> ~/vpn_log.txt

# Configure the routes
# Add a route for our gateway from the local IP
# Add Additional devices with static IPs here
ip rule add from table openvpn # Device A's IP address

# openvpn here refers to the routing table you created in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
ip route add default dev tun0 table openvpn

# Set up the SNAT rule
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j SNAT --to-source $ifconfig_local

# Enable Routing
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1


Place this at the location you chose for your route-pre-down command earlier

#! /bin/bash
# Log Useful Information
echo --- Tearing Down >> ~/vpn_log.txt
echo "IP $ifconfig_local, " >> ~/vpn_log.txt

# Disable IP Forwarding before dropping routes
# This is important, becuase we don't want packets
# leaking via the default route, and people thinking we're
# not located at the VPN egress
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0

# Remove the nat rule
iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j SNAT --to-source $ifconfig_local

# Remove Routing Rules
# openvpn here refers to the routing table you created in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
ip route del default dev tun0 table openvpn
# Add Additional devices with static IPs here
ip rule del from table openvpn # Device A IP address

echo --- Tear Down Completed >> ~/vpn_log.txt

Configure client device to use the gateway

The final step to making all of this work is to configure the client device itself to use the router as it’s gateway, and DNS on your private network. This is heavily dependent on the specific device. But, tl;dr:

  1. Configure the default gateway to be the IP address of the device where you have configured routing
  2. Set the DNS to the IP address of DNS services on your private VPN network